CHADD is committed to ensuring that we keep our services users safe from harm. CHADD believes that every individual who accesses our services has a right to a life free from fear, to be treated with dignity and respect, to have their choice respected and not to be forced to do anything against their will. CHADD believes that everyone has the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse, regardless of their age, disability, gender identity, race, racial origin, language, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
Examples of Safeguarding issues and abuse include significant harm from:
- Discriminatory abuse on the grounds of race, religious, gender, sexuality or cultural
abuse - Domestic physical/emotional abuse, coercing, honour-based violence, forced marriage,
stalking and harassment (doesn’t have to be in a relationship, can be family members) - Financial or material – theft, fraud, coercion to gain money or valuables, misuse of power
- Modern Slavery – forced labour or slavery through coercion and deception
- Neglect – ignoring medical emotional or physical needs, depriving social/educational
needs - Organisational – abuse by service provider, neglect of appropriate service provision
- Physical – hitting, pushing, misuse of medication, inappropriate sanctions, being locked
up - Psychological – threats, coercion, rejection, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation, bullying
(including through technology – cyber bullying) - Radicalisation, terrorism and extremism – CHADD supports the Governments ‘Prevent’
strategy - Self-neglect – failure to care for own safety or personal hygiene, putting oneself at risk
- Sexual – rape, indecent exposure, touching without consent, inappropriate innuendos
- Spiritual Abuse – any attempt to exert power and control over someone using religion,
faith, or beliefs and can happen within a religious organisation or a personal relationship.
Spiritual abuse is not limited to one religion, denomination, or group of people
How CHADD will approach Safeguarding
If you are a resident and believe that you are being subjected to abuse please contact CHADD on 01384456465. Alternatively you can email us on
CHADD has a named board for the most serious cases. All safeguarding issues are referred to the Safeguarding Lead, Team Leader, Head of Service, Service Manager, or Chief Executive on the same day of the allegation being made.
We will always ensure confidentiality and get your consent before speaking with the person alleged to be causing the problem or other agencies. We work to a set of service standards, click here for our service standards for Anti-Social Behaviour.
Anti-Social Behaviour
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) are actions that harm or lack of consideration for the well-being of others. ASB covers a multitude of issues – from serious violence and harassment to more everyday incidents and situations like noisy dogs or rubbish dumping.
Examples of Anti-Social Behaviour
- Harassment of any form.
- Criminal activity including drug dealing.
- Domestic violence and abuse.
- Noise nuisance.
- Untidy gardens.
How CHADD will deal with anti-social behaviour and harassment
If you believe that you are being subjected to Anti-Social Behaviour please contact CHADD on 01384456465. Alternatively you can email us on
We will always ensure confidentiality and get your consent before speaking with the person alleged to be causing the problem or other agencies.
Please refer to our Anti-Social Behaviour Procedure by clicking here for more detailed information on how we deal with your issue.