Safety Net and Springboard

We provide a safety net of supported homes and community-based services for people in Dudley who may be experiencing crisis or challenging transitions, homelessness, domestic abuse or may need support with independent living.  We aim to provide services that act as a springboard to a better future.
CHADD – the Churches Housing Association of Dudley and District – is a local, voluntary sector organisation fulfilling a charitable and social mission, mainly in the Metropolitan Borough of Dudley. Registered as a provider of social housing (RP) and as an Industrial and Provident Society, we have the status of an exempt charity, so we’re not required to be registered with the Charity Commission.

Our Services

We provide 290 supported homes across our key service areas. Our specialist services include:

Sheltered Housing for People over 55

Domestic Abuse Refuges for all survivors

Domestic Abuse Outreach Services

Housing and support for young people at risk of homelessness

Housing and support for young families

Mental Health Supported Living

Community Outreach for people with learning disabilities or long term mental health issues.